Monday, May 25, 2020

The Effects Of Cell Phones On Society s Obsession Without...

LITERATURE REVIEW Recent studies suggest that cell phones have evolved into something more than a simple communication tool, gaining its own place in various aspects of social interaction. For instance, a qualitative study on Australian adolescents revealed that cell phones play an integral part in the lives of young Australians (Walsh, White, Ross, 2008). Some of the participants in the study reported very strong attachment to their cell phones; they felt as though their cell phones were part of them. Mozes introduced the concept of materialism and the factors that contribute to society’s obsession without devices. In his article, â€Å"Can Excessive Cellphone Use Become an Addiction,† published by U.S. News World Report, Mozes stated, â€Å"The way we treat and interact with our devices is often impulsive and uncontrollable. Roberts also explained that there are benefits to cell phones, but, â€Å"like anything, if we go overboard it can become a problem.† Roberts explained that numerous factors including materialism and impulsiveness play a role in turning cell phone use into an addiction. Roberts was quoted by Mozes as saying, â€Å"That’s particularly true when we use them excessively in public, . . . Because when we do so we’re signaling that we’ve got this shiny object, this status symbol, our iPhone or Android or Blackberry, and that we’ve got important people to talk to or text, who are may be even more important than the people right in front of us. And that we’re so importantShow MoreRelatedLike The Spread Of A Zombie Plague, The Modern Technology1137 Words   |  5 PagesLike the spread of a zombie plague, the modern technology obsession is rapidly infecting the public. 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