Thursday, December 19, 2019

Research Study Different Communities Essay - 1059 Words

Researchers study the different communities. The methodology and theory that they use to analyse the community literature either oral or written differs in its application as well as comprehension. Many scholars have approached the issue in a different way. But still there is a growing demand for the more reliable empathetic theory and methodology to understand the life experiences of the communities’ especially nomadic communities. I will concentrate only on Nomadic Communities in the scope of this paper. Since, these communities have less literacy rate. The narratives of such communities are either in oral form and folk songs. In most cases there is no availability of narratives in well documented format. Many Nomadic community need to be researched to reorganise the otherwise written dominant narratives which give subordinate mention to the existence of Nomadic or subjugated communities. Since it is very important to understand the schema of theory before we venture in to t he actual analysis of community aspects, we have to consider the overall general field of community study. Community study is a very large term. Community study has different implied meanings. Nowadays, with the advancement of internet and technology, the types and features of community are changing. Thus, the nature of the community is changing. In order to capture the changing nature of the community and transformation in the life of particular community we have to keep a check on the communityShow MoreRelatedThe Animal Science Discourse Community1521 Words   |  7 PagesThe Animal Science discourse community is community that dedicates their studies in having an immense knowledge on animal health, animal behavior, farm management, and livestock production. 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