Friday, December 27, 2019

Character Analysis of Gertrude in William Shakespeares...

Hamlet: Argumentative Essay Introduction The purpose of this essay is to analyze the role of Gertrude in Hamlet, which is counted as one of the famous plays of English language (Thompson and Neil Taylor 74) and the most popular work of Shakespeare (Wells and Stanton 1). This essay will evaluate the role of Gertrude, who was the mother of Prince Hamlet and also the title character of the play. Thesis Statement: Gertrude, the wife of late King Hamlet was disloyal to her husband and also responsible for his death. Gertrude The Queen of Denmark Gertrude the widow of the late King Hamlet married her husbands brother Claudius only after two months of her husbands death. Claudius who was also the uncle of Prince Hamlet became the new King and his new father. Despite the fact that Gertrude has very little role and few lines in the play still she is central to the action of the play. Prince Hamlet hatred and disgust for her mother as she marries Claudius, is one of the main important reflections of the play. This is because in times of Shakespeare, marrying husbands brother after husbands death was considered as a sin and act of being disloyal with the husband. Secondly, Prince Hamlet also considered Claudius inferior to his father, the late King Hamlet, in all aspects of life. Gertrude deeply loved her son and was very much concerned about his depression and gloominess (Barrons, 93) but Hamlet hated her. He considered her responsible for his fathers deathShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Queen Gertrudes Position in King Hamlets Death in William Shakespeares Hamlet1056 Words   |  5 PagesAn Analysis of Queen Gertrudes Position in King Hamlets Death in William Shakespeares Hamlet Usually in a playwright, one of the authors objectives is to keep the viewer or reader confused or disconcerted about certain events in the plot. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Research Study Different Communities Essay - 1059 Words

Researchers study the different communities. The methodology and theory that they use to analyse the community literature either oral or written differs in its application as well as comprehension. Many scholars have approached the issue in a different way. But still there is a growing demand for the more reliable empathetic theory and methodology to understand the life experiences of the communities’ especially nomadic communities. I will concentrate only on Nomadic Communities in the scope of this paper. Since, these communities have less literacy rate. The narratives of such communities are either in oral form and folk songs. In most cases there is no availability of narratives in well documented format. Many Nomadic community need to be researched to reorganise the otherwise written dominant narratives which give subordinate mention to the existence of Nomadic or subjugated communities. Since it is very important to understand the schema of theory before we venture in to t he actual analysis of community aspects, we have to consider the overall general field of community study. Community study is a very large term. Community study has different implied meanings. Nowadays, with the advancement of internet and technology, the types and features of community are changing. Thus, the nature of the community is changing. In order to capture the changing nature of the community and transformation in the life of particular community we have to keep a check on the communityShow MoreRelatedThe Animal Science Discourse Community1521 Words   |  7 PagesThe Animal Science discourse community is community that dedicates their studies in having an immense knowledge on animal health, animal behavior, farm management, and livestock production. 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Human and environmental behavior is an area that studies how landscapes influence people (Powers 2009).Visual mapping and engaged action are some of the research methods that help with gathering data to findRead MoreAnalysis Of Anne Beaufort s Words, A Better, Product1599 Words   |  7 PagesEnglish 3010 is an intermediate course in reading, research and writing; it is designed to create, in Anne Beaufort’s words, a better â€Å"product.† Beaufort boldly claims that the current freshman writing courses make freshmen ill-prepared writers, incompetent and limited to one discourse community. i.e. bad â€Å"products.† However, English 3010 is a course for upper-level students, and the emphasis is on conducting research by drawing from the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and professions in preparationRead MorePrimary Research Paper On The Microbial Community880 Words   |  4 Pages This research paper is a primary research paper because the paper indicates that a study was done by several biologist and scientist on the microbial community in the Rhizosphere. 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This is due to the original scholarly research sources developing and adapting into entertainingRead MoreMethodology And Methods Of Public Open Space Management1511 Words   |  7 Pagesan overview of the methods used in the research. Literature review is the fundamental method for the research. Through a review on previous literature, the context of public open space management and different dimensions of place-keeping will be established as essential evidence on the data analysis and recommendation part of the following chapter. In addition, this research follows a case study approach as the main research method, whereby three community gardens in London is used to find out whetherRead MoreArticle Critique Of Joshua Palkki1232 Words   |  5 Pagescase study regarding two Latina students in which Palkki (2015) seeks to learn about their choral experiences and thereby discover avenues to improve choral teaching methods. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Dance concert Essay free essay sample

When I thought of dance for the first time, I believed it was just simplistic movement and structured choreography. However, dance can be interpreted as a story versus just following a beat through its unique body language, musical composition, and set of props. The Fall Dance Theatre demonstrates these traits extensively within its performances specifically the pieces â€Å"In Sleep, We Dream† and â€Å"I’m Still with You†. The performance â€Å"In Sleep, We Dream† has two different sections; the former represents felling into a sleep and the latter represents the act of dreaming. The first part starts with three girls in gray and pink fabric dresses and the background resembles a memorial park at night. There is also a casket in the middle of the stage as stars twinkle in the sky. Suddenly they come through and dance without music while the lights are still dark. The choreography was made up of jumping and leaping all over the stage, prancing from one foot to another, and rolling on the ground to symbolize the ambiguity and secrecy that goes on in the night. We will write a custom essay sample on Dance concert Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One after another the dancers disappeared into darkness. Shortly after, another three girls who wear gray-blue dresses stepped out onto the stage, each one being wearing a specific muffler to help distinguish themselves from one another. At the same time, music with a sweet melody begins and brings the second part of the performance into play. The dancers strut in a whirl-like motion to symbolize how angels fly freely in the sky, amongst the bright lights. The previous dancers who disappeared previously began to come out from the back side of the stage. Both of them are danced separately at first before they finally started to dance together. Orchestral symphony music filled with uplifting, harmonious sounds accompanied the six girls to represent their harmony with reality and ideals. One of the girls opens the casket in the middle, and slowly the dancers who wore mufflers put their mufflers into the casket one by one to represent when dreams turn into reality. After the music ended, the only dancer in gray and pink is left at the middle of stage. Finally, she closes the casket and lies down in it as if nothing happened. The second performance, â€Å"I’m Still with You† consisted of one couple in white pajama costumes, and in the center of stage there is a bed in which the couple slept in. A soft light that represents the morning sun is accompanied by sky blue props and dream-like background music. It’s not long before they get up at first; however, they try to sleep again in the morning as most people do. They look as if they’ve truly fallen in love, though a girl looks somewhat troubled. They dance together gracefully but the girl lied down on the bed sooner than I expected. While hugging his wife, the guy murmurs in her ear that he loves her and gives her a scarf. However, a girl passes away and the guy becomes inconsolable. The music and lights turn off as the guy performs solo onstage as everything else seems to disappear. The girl comes again with six fairies after the music changed into something with a holy sound while an elegant chorus sang along to the song at a slow pace. With everything combined, the scenery looked like heaven. During this transition, the girl and six fairies dance to an aggressive behavior as they their actions involved more of a dramatic and emotional feeling as they enjoy their freedom to the fullest. The girl resembles a toy ballerina figure on a music box with her movements during this part of the performance. The couple dances together again, following the way in which the couple performed and loved before. Eventually, she flied up to the sky, leaving her scarf to her lover; the scarf in the scene representing the enteral love and warmth that she has left him in her passing. After watching these performances, now I believe that dance isn’t solely based on structured choreography and intricate dance moves. The acts in the Fall Dance Theatre concert were formed in a way to also tell stories, combining everything from the background scenery to the actual choreography. During the performances of â€Å"In Sleep, we Dream† and â€Å"I’m Still with You†, I was able to take notice of the sequence of events happening with each transition. In the end, I left the concert with a new understanding of what goes behind the art of dance.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Persuasive Intro free essay sample

Drinking More Water Intro: Drinking a healthy amount of water is vital to your health. You can never imagine just by drinking a healthy amount of water, you gain tremendous health benefits, and sometimes you can even throw away your migraine medicine or pain killer. Every cell in your body needs water from head to toe. That is why it is so important to drink enough fluid. Before you can appreciate the benefits of water to your health, let’s review the role of water in human body. Conclusion: All in all, not only is water the best way to hydrate but it is also one of the best natural medicines for your body. Juice sand teas are fine and serve there purpose, but are often loaded in sugar. Water is a solvent and is great for cleansing and the best way to hydrate. Water replenishes your body and gives you more energy. We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Intro or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I keep you looking and feeling youthful and I a great way to jumpstart weight loss. Outline: Functions of Water in the Body Regulates body temperature Transports nutrients and oxygen into cell Moisturizes the air in lungs Helps with metabolism Protects vital organs Helps our organs to absorb nutrients better Detoxifies Protects and moisturizes our joints The Harmful Effects Result from Dehydration: a) †¢Tiredness b) †¢Migraine c) †¢Constipation d) †¢Muscle cramps e) †¢Irregular blood pressure f) †¢Kidney problems g) †¢Dry skin h) †¢20% dehydrated – Risk of death Symptoms of Dehydration Here are some of the symptoms that you need more water: a) †¢Dark Urine – Dark Yellow or Orange in Color: Urine is generally pale yellow to clear when you have sufficient water intake. Although many reasons contribute to headache, dehydration is the common one. 3. Look Younger with Healthier Skin: You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity. 4. Better Productivity at Work: Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrated. 5. Better Exercise: Drinking water regulates your body temperature. That means you’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises. Water also helps to fuel your muscle. 6. Helps in Digestion and Constipation: Drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps in digestion. Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement. 7. Less Cramps and Sprains: Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, so you’ll less likely get cramps and sprains. 8. Less Likely to Get Sick and Feel Healthy: Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack. Water added with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis etc. In another words one of the benefits of drinking water is that it can improve your immune system. 9. Relieves Fatigue: Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If your body lacks water, your heart, for instance, needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so will you.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun-Beneatha essays

A Raisin in the Sun-Beneatha essays Throughout the novel, A Raisin in the Sun, Beneatha Younger remains a strong woman with fortified views. She looks at people for who they truly are, has intellectual pride for her studies, questions everything including God, and she admirably cuts all her hair off for the sake of being true to her roots. Beneathas character represents a young, black womans feminist and unique outlook on life in the 1950s. For this profound character in the novel, Lorraine Hansberry should be applauded. Even today, it is rare to see characters that are even remotely similar to Beneatha Younger. Her character is by far, the one that reaches out from the story for being genuine and Throughout the novel, Beneatha made a point of how she thinks what is inside a person that counts. She felt that other people (especially Mrs. Younger) needed to understand that she looks beneath the surface of people. On page 49 Beneatha wearily explains, Oh , I just mean I couldnt ever be serious about George. Hes-hes so shallow. Ruth replies by saying, Hes rich! That is exactly Beneathas point. She does not want to be in a relationship with George simply because he can support her. However, Ruth and Mrs. Younger are having a difficult time understanding this. Knowing where the Youngers come from it could seem a bit ridiculous to not want to be seriously involved with a wealthy man. Beneathas character is respectable for not wanting to fall into this. Even in this day and age, many women marry men just for their money. I also believe that people should be judged on what is on the inside oppose to the outside. Beneatha doesnt listen when Ruth and Mama call her odd. Inside her, she knows that she wouldnt be able to live with herself if she married George without feeling anything for him. Beneatha Younger is a rare young lady in the 1 ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Christa Prange essays

Christa Prange essays Christa Prange is a Biomedical Scientist in the Biology and Biotechnology Research Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. She has 7 years of experience in gene discovery projects, especially focusing on high-throughput cDNA production and automation. Ms. Prange initially joined the Biology and Biotechnology Research Program as a technician working on mapping and characterizing chromosome 19 genes. Since then, she has started work with the I.M.A.G.E. Consortium, a collaborative gene discovery effort that produces publicly available cDNA clones. She is now Project Manager for the I.M.A.G.E. Consortium and is involved in developing and maintaining the high-throughput pipeline of arrayed cDNA clones as well as ensuring their quality. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mall of America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Mall of America - Research Paper Example United States is also known worldwide for its state of the art shopping centers. By the end of 1992, America was almost running 39000 shopping Malls across the country. Mall of America is a shopping Mall with all the dynamic qualities of a Mall. It is located in the twin cities of Bloomington and Minnesota in United States (Mall of America (b) 2011). The Mall is the third largest in North America and second largest in America due to its retail space. Mall of America accommodates more than 13000 cars on seven different stories of the building for parking purposes (Mall of America (b) 2011). The Mall is spread over an area of 95 acres (Mall of America (b) 2011). Expansion of the great Mall is under process. Expansion will help to exceed the size of the Mall of America by almost doubling it. The expansion work is expected to consume about 2.1 billion (Mall of America (b) 2011). Extension of the project will attract more tourists. Phase II will be able to generate huge amount for the fie lds of education and health. Mall of America is also exposed to certain vulnerabilities. Terrorism is the threat which requires thorough training and understanding of the terror activities. Certain remedial measures are also necessary to strengthen the existing surveillance and security system. The Mall of America is a combination of a classical construction with provision of vast variety of facilities under one roof. Mainly the worth mentioning facilities include, an indoor theme park, underwater sea creature aquarium, magic shop, flight simulators, Lego store, theater, mountain golf adventure and American girl store. All these features of the Mall of America shall be focused upon in details in paragraphs to follow. The paper shall follow the under mentioned sequence:- History of the Mall of America. Services offered by the Mall and tourist interests. Expansion and future prospects. Vulnerabilities to different threats and their Remedial Measures Conclusion. History of the Mall of America Ghermezian brothers of Canada first gave the concept of â€Å"Mall of America†. â€Å"West Edmonton† shopping Mall of North America was also the brilliant idea of same brothers (Farrell 2007). The Mall of America is situated at the old site of metropolitan stadium in Bloomington, Minnesota (Crawford 1992). The leveling of the ground for construction started in 1989. The Mall saw its completion in 1992 and during same year it was opened for the public (Mall of America (c) 2011). The Mall of America carries the characteristics of all the modern Malls due to its huge size, central management and versatile architecture. The visitor of Mall can carry equal impression of western market as well as American urban expressions (Crawford 1992). The Mall represents the history of galleria. The concept of Cleveland galleria got fame in nineteenth century in America (Jackson 1996). The Mall also pays respect to the old site of metropolitan city by placing home plate on the g round floor (Mall of America (c) 2011). One seat has been placed in the Mall, which attracts the visitor’s attention due to its historical importance (Farrell 2007). The seat has exactly been placed at its original place that it occupied in the stadium prior to construction of the Mall of America. Seat is placed to pay homage to Harmon Killebrew for hitting a home run in 1967 (Crawford 1992). Mall was given few nicknames prior to its inauguration in 1992 (Spellmeyer 1993). Fewer of