Thursday, August 27, 2020

Measuring the specific heat capacity of water Essay Example

Estimating the particular warmth limit of water Paper Presentation The Specific Heat Capacity of any substance can be characterized as the measure of vitality expected to raise 1kg of the substance by 1i c. Its found by utilizing the accompanying recipe: C = Q/(M x ? ?) Where (C) speaks to the SPHC; (Q) the vitality required or given out in joules; (M) is the mass of the substance determined in kilograms and ? ? speaks to the adjustment in temperature in possibly I C or Kelvin. Point The point of the trial is to decide the Specific Heat Capacity of any fluid, yet for our situation Water. Theory I believe that we will get a nearby number to the Specific Heat Capacity known as 4200 J/Kgi C. , however it won't be 100 precise in light of the fact that some warmth will be lost, prompting potential blunders in information. I dont figure we can protect 100% with the accompanying calorimeter at school, in this way it may pick up or discharge vitality causing in-precision. Furthermore I believe that the difference in temperature will be steady all through the trial, in light of the fact that the measure of vitality given will consistently remain the equivalent. I likewise accept the temperature will rise relative to time, this is on the grounds that as additional time is extended, the atoms get more warmth, as indicated by the Kinetic Theory, the particles become progressively dynamic, and begin to move quickly expanding crash rate. Consequently more the time, the higher the temperature will be until a specific point. This is the breaking point, and this is the point at which the particles have arrived at the greatest point, and are about to start changing into another condition of structure vaporous. Mechanical assembly A Calorimeter A Thermometer An Electric Weighing Scale. We will compose a custom article test on Measuring the particular warmth limit of water explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Measuring the particular warmth limit of water explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Measuring the particular warmth limit of water explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer A Power Pack d 1. An unfilled calorimeter is gauged. The fluid under test is then poured in the calorimeter and rechecked. The Mass m of the fluid is found. 2. An inundation radiator and a thermometer are set in the calorimeter 3. The underlying temperature ? ? 1 of the fluid is recorded. 4. The fluid is warmed for a period t seconds. The stirrer is utilized to keep up a uniform temperature all through the fluid. The cover limits heat misfortunes by convection. 5. Record the temperature after at regular intervals and plot it in the table beneath. 6. The last temperature ? ? 2 is noted and the changed in temperature ? ? after time t is found7. Record the outcomes in the table underneath Precautions 1. To appropriately put the cover, in any case heat lose may increment, to limit heat misfortune as much conceivable utilizing protection. 2. To keep up uniform temperature make a point to continue mixing the calorimeter. 3. Make a point to keep consistent vitality flexibly by radiator 12V. Factors Independent Is the force warming the up the water. This is in such a case that you change the force, at that point the adjustment in temperature will likewise change relatively. So you need to keep it steady all through, in any case this may prompt un-solid information. To control you could change the force, by expanding the current or the volts. So you could change the current from 12V, to 16V, which would change the force. Be that as it may, this must be done toward the beginning of the investigation, and afterward kept consistent all through. Subordinate This is the adjustment in temperature, as this is subject to the force provided to the warmer, whenever changed then the adjustment in temperature will likewise change. To control, you should change the Independent variable. Controlled This is the mass of the water, the time stretches and the force. These must be kept consistent, or else it wont be a reasonable test. The mass of the water is kept at 0. 425 kg, 120 second time spans and 12W force flexibly. To control you could build the mass by 0. 010 kg, or increment the force gracefully to 16W, or even increment or decline the time spans to either 300 second or 30 seconds. Be that as it may, the progressions must be kept steady in any case. Results Time/Seconds Temperature/(? ) Change in temperature. E = the force in watts Q = the vitality in joules T = time in seconds 12 x 0. joules Now to locate the Specific Heat limit we need to return to the first recipe, and derive these finding into it. Re-orchestrate the recipe C Conclusion From my count and results I have acquired the Specific Heat Capacity of water to be 4320 j/kgi C for this commonsense. Presently I can contend this is anything but a 100% exact trial as the logically characterized Specific Heat Capacity of water is seen as 4200 j/kgi C. There is a distinction of 1320 j/kgi C, from my outcomes and the underlying worth; yet I utilized two unique approaches to ascertain the appropriate response. I utilized the equation, which gives 4320 j/kgi C, yet then I additionally utilized the angle which in result furnished me a progressively exact response of 4235 j/kgi C. As should be obvious the angle offers a considerably more precise response, this is on the grounds that when you utilize the technique for computing the sphc, by deducting the last temperature by the underlying temperature, you just base your figuring of two arrangements of information. This is inconsistent, supposing that one of them ends up being mistaken, at that point this effects the appropriate response relatively. The slope strategy is increasingly precise, in light of the fact that you are taking the information from the line of best fit, which permits you to foresee the estimation of one variable dependent on an estimation of the other; evading wrong arrangements of information. Utilizing the angle technique I found a solution of 4235j/kgi C, which is near the underlying estimation of Specific Heat Capacity of Water. There is a distinction of just 35j/kgi C, and a distinction of 85j/kgi C from the counts utilizing the other strategy. So why isnt my answer indistinguishable from the certifiable count? Well this can be brought about by numerous reasons, one is that the calorimeter halfway consumed a portion of the warmth which thusly implied, that it required more vitality to raise the temperature of the water, as the particles had less vitality because of warmth misfortune. Another explanation could be on the grounds that it was protected 100%, which implied that it lost some warmth to the air, which again implied that the particles didnt have as much vitality so it required more. Despite the fact that this reasons will just marginally influence the appropriate response, as we didnt not play out the trial at an extremely high temperature. In my speculation I expressed that my response for the particular warmth limit will contrast somewhat from the first, and I was correct, however I likewise expressed that the adjustment in temperature will be consistent, and that the temperature will rise consistently. Hypothetically I ought to be correct, yet from my outcomes you can see that the adjustment in temperature wasnt consistent. This is on the grounds that I didnt mix, the calorimeter enough and relentlessly. This would have made the particles in the water move all the more so the temperature would have then expanded. The all the more blending that was done could have permitted the temperature to increment at a completely uniform level. Furthermore, I feel that the primary motivation behind why my consequences of the particular warmth limit doesnt precisely equivalent 4200 j/kgi C. Assessment I believe that I was extremely near the exact explicit warmth limit of water. With a distinction of just 35j/kgi C I feel that there are factors, which can't be controlled 100%. Be that as it may, I figure I could have improved this trial. I think next time I could take a more extensive scope of information, for the temperatures. This way to rehash the investigation various occasions. This will permit me to have progressively precise information. Additionally I figure I should keep the blending of the water progressively persevering next time. I could either, have an arrangement of something like, mixing for 2 minutes, and afterward halting for a moment and so forth. Or on the other hand I could tenaciously continue mixing through the entire examination; this will permit the particles to move around the measuring utencil more, making it a more attractive test. Likewise I could build the force provided to the calorimeter, which would permit me to investigate the relationship at higher temperatures, and furthermore increasingly present day gear. Every one of these elements could be improved next time, ideally giving me even exact outcomes. 1 Appendix 1 2 See Graph Show see just The above see is unformatted text This understudy composed bit of work is one of numerous that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism segment.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Operations Decision

So you need to figure out how to begin a food blog and bring in cash doing it? While youll need to place in some work between beginning your blog and bringing in cash from your blog, the genuine procedure of making your food blog is quite direct, regardless of whether youre not a geek person.In our How to Start a Food Blog and Make Money manage, were to furnish you with noteworthy assignments to assist you with making a viable and beneficial food blog. These incorporate how to†¦Get your fundamental site setupChoose the privilege WordPress food blogging topic or WordPress formula pluginShowcase excellent pictures and recordings of your foodGrow your following via web-based networking media (web based life is an incredible traffic-generator for food blogs)Monetize your food blog in a couple of various ways Step 1: Pick your food nicheFood blogging is a soaked industry, so on the off chance that you need to make a prosperous food blog you should pick a specialty to have some expe rtise in. The specialty you decide on will presumably rely upon the kind of food you have an enthusiasm for cooking. Here are some specialty models for you to consider†¦Vegetarian or veggie lover foodFood on a budgetAll things bakingHealthy dinners for familiesGluten, carb or sans sugar dishesDIY Food recipesFood for petsPre-exercise snacksOnce you have settled on your specialty, and have a few plans prepared to share, you are prepared to make your food blog.Step 2: Purchase WordPress facilitating and introduce WordPressThe free, open-source WordPress programming is the simplest and most mainstream approach to manufacture a site food blog included. With regards to how to begin a food blog and make moneyâ in the simplest way imaginable, oneself facilitated WordPress programming is your best bet.In request to run the WordPress programming, however, youll need to buy your own web facilitating. For amateurs, we suggest SiteGround on the grounds that they:Give you a wizard that con sequently introduces WordPress for you.Let you buy your space name through the equivalent interface.Tools to arrangement diverts and introduce free SSL certificateDedicated group gives customized talk supportSG Optimizer to keep your site healthyOnce you pursue facilitating and introduce WordPress (see this post on the off chance that you need more assistance), youre prepared to really construct your food blog.Step 3: Decide on the off chance that you need a food blog subject or formula pluginIf you are making a site for a particular reason, for example, a food blog, at that point choosing a worked for-reason topic might be the best alternative. Notwithstanding, there are likewise various viable WordPress formula modules that will empower you to show your plans on your website in an appropriate food blog format:Food blog themeâ excessively simple to begin with, yet can be somewhat more prohibitive on the grounds that the entirety of the usefulness is as of now manufactured in.Fo od modules + conventional themeâ more entangled to get set up in light of the fact that you need to assemble various parts, yet can offer somewhat more adaptability since its a greater amount of an open sandbox and you can pick any topic you like.Let’s investigate these two optionsPre-fabricated food blogging themesThere is a wide grouping of worked for-reason food blogging subjects that accompany a variety of implicit ‘food blogging’ highlights and usefulness. These can include†¦Recipe Builder show plans and fixings in simple to see layouts.Advanced Search Function empower guests to look by plans and ingredients.Reviews and Ratings guests can audit and rate plans once they have attempted them out.Gallery and Video Support transfer delightful visuals and informational recordings to draw in with your audience.User enrollment and login usefulness make a network around your blog by making an individuals just section.For model, the Veggie subject can help you rapidly begin with your food blog. What's more, you can likewise discover an assortment of food blog topics at ThemeForest.WordPress formula modules that can make any subject a food blog WP Ultimate Recipe Author(s): Bootstrapped VenturesCurrent Version: 3.12.7Last Updated: June 26, 2019wp-extreme 90%Ratings 313,214Downloads WP 3.5+Requires If you do choose to decide on a nonexclusive blogging topic, at that point you can without much of a stretch include formula developer usefulness utilizing a WordPress module. For example, WP Ultimate Recipe is a free WordPress module that will empower you to add various plans to any post or page on your site.With WP Ultimate Recipe, you can show fixings, add photographs to any progression of the formula, and let guests alter the fixing amounts for more orâ fewer servings. Formula metadata is additionally streamlined, helping your plans to rank in Google Recipe Search.A ace adaptation of this module is likewise accessible which offe rs propelled highlights includingNutritional data for each recipeMeal organizer with shopping listUsers-produced evaluations and reviewsUser-submitted recipesBoth the free and premium modules are extraordinary choices in the event that you are looking to rapidly transform your webpage into an expert and a la mode food blog.Step 4: Display wonderful pictures and recordings of your food Photo Gallery by 10Web Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery Author(s): Orbit Fox by ThemeIsle Author(s): ThemeisleCurrent Version: 2.8.10Last Updated: September 13, 94%Ratings 4,283,244Downloads WP 4.7+Requires When talking about how to begin a food blog and bring in cash, the significance of internet based life can't be thought little of. Pinterest and Instagram are the undeniable web-based social networking stages for food websites to focus, as their picture substantial methodology is an ideal fit with delightful foodie pictures. Here are a few different ways to utilize web-based social networking to develop your following and arrive at a more extensive audience†¦Add web based life share buttonsâ to urge your guests to share your plans on their internet based life channels.Enable Pinterest Rich Pins to show your formula subtleties straightforwardly on your Pins and increment the quantity of repins you receive.Embed an intelligent and eye catching Instagram feed on your food blog to build your Instagram following.For more information on the most proficient method to utilize online networking viably, look at our article on Social Media Strategy.Step 6: Monetize your food blogOnce you have set up an effective food blog and developed your following, there are various approaches to adapt your webpage. Let’s investigate the absolute best cash making schemes†¦Affiliate promoting get together with member programs, at that point suggest cooking items, formula books, and other cooking stuff on your blog. Each time one of your guests purchases an ite m, youll get a commission.Create your own cookbook this could be an eBook or in physical structure. Sell it on your site or on a bigger commercial center like Amazon.Accept supported posts orâ advertising on your webpage charge for individuals to publicize on your site or post on your blog.There are, obviously, various different approaches to bring in cash through a blog, however the suggestions above can be especially gainful for a food blog.Final considerations on the most proficient method to begin a food blog and make moneySo since you realize how to begin a food blog and bring in cash, it’s time to begin. As should be obvious, making a food blog is difficult work and requires significant investment. Be that as it may, the budgetary prizes can make it certainly justified regardless of the effort.Have you got any top tips on the best way to begin a food blog and bring in cash? It would be ideal if you share your considerations in the remarks beneath How to begin a #food b log and bring in cash with #WordPress. #tutorial

Friday, August 21, 2020

Will CFPB Nominee Mirror Mulvaney - OppLoans

Will CFPB Nominee Mirror Mulvaney - OppLoans Will CFPB Nominee Mirror Mulvaney? Will CFPB Nominee Mirror Mulvaney?Inside Subprime: Dec 3, 2018By Lindsay Frankel  As Kathy Kraninger advances towards a final Senate vote that would establish the nominee as head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Democrats are raising concerns that Kraninger will follow in the footsteps of acting director Mick Mulvaney. Critics cited her lack of experience as a predictor for her reliance on Mulvaney appointees, which would likely resume an anti-consumerism agenda. “She has no experience in banking or finance or consumer protection,” said Sen. Sherrod Brown, ranking member of the Banking Committee, who recently released a report criticizing Mulvaney for eroding the agency’s mission. “She’s not on the side of millions of Americans, of people who work for a living.” Kraninger spent the majority of her career working for the Department of Homeland Security.Democrats also question Kraninger’s involvement in certain Trump administration policies, including the sepa ration of migrant children at the border and the response to 2017 hurricanes. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who originally established the CFPB, said that Kraninger’s nomination was based on her enthusiasm for Mulvaney’s policies rather than her qualifications. Kraninger said at her nomination hearing that she had yet to disagree with any of Mulvaney’s actions, in response to questions from Warren. Still, Kraninger’s future at the Bureau remains unclear, since she did not directly answer questions about the controversial payday lending rule and other policies. As big decisions approach for the CFPB, industry groups and consumer advocates alike will be watching Kraninger’s decisions closely. These will include proposed changes to the payday lending rule and reviews of three other rules. The agency is also expected to propose rules for the debt collection market and attend to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act in the Spring.Richard Horn, former special adviser in the CFPB’s Office of Regulations, said Kraninger is expected to keep some consistency with Mulvaney’s agenda, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that reform is out of the question. He said, “she is her own person, and once she gets in there she could have some different views and the agenda could change.”Kraninger drew support from Republicans, who voted to limit debate on her nomination. Chairman Mike Crapo noted that she had gained “widespread support” from financial institutions, auto dealers, and realtors. As early as this week, the full Senate will vote to confirm Kraninger, who currently works as a senior official at the Office of Management and Budget. Unlike Mulvaney, Kraninger will face opposition from the Democratic-controlled House come January. Rep. Maxine Waters, who will likely become the new chair of the House Financial Services Committee, has already indicated that her agenda will include aggressive oversight of regulators appointed by Trump. For more information on payday loans, scams, and  cash advances  and  title loans,  check out our state-by-state financial guides.Visit  OppLoans  on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedIn

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Effects Of Cell Phones On Society s Obsession Without...

LITERATURE REVIEW Recent studies suggest that cell phones have evolved into something more than a simple communication tool, gaining its own place in various aspects of social interaction. For instance, a qualitative study on Australian adolescents revealed that cell phones play an integral part in the lives of young Australians (Walsh, White, Ross, 2008). Some of the participants in the study reported very strong attachment to their cell phones; they felt as though their cell phones were part of them. Mozes introduced the concept of materialism and the factors that contribute to society’s obsession without devices. In his article, â€Å"Can Excessive Cellphone Use Become an Addiction,† published by U.S. News World Report, Mozes stated, â€Å"The way we treat and interact with our devices is often impulsive and uncontrollable. Roberts also explained that there are benefits to cell phones, but, â€Å"like anything, if we go overboard it can become a problem.† Roberts explained that numerous factors including materialism and impulsiveness play a role in turning cell phone use into an addiction. Roberts was quoted by Mozes as saying, â€Å"That’s particularly true when we use them excessively in public, . . . Because when we do so we’re signaling that we’ve got this shiny object, this status symbol, our iPhone or Android or Blackberry, and that we’ve got important people to talk to or text, who are may be even more important than the people right in front of us. And that we’re so importantShow MoreRelatedLike The Spread Of A Zombie Plague, The Modern Technology1137 Words   |  5 PagesLike the spread of a zombie plague, the modern technology obsession is rapidly infecting the public. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Leadership Is A Personal Journey Essay - 1018 Words

The study of leadership teaches leaders about what motivates people to work. Thus, it’s understood that all motivated employees, and team players will be more productive. Therefore, the study of various theories and models of motivation, such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model, and Herzberg’s two factor theory are carefully studied to improve leader’s ability to motivate their employees. Also, studying leadership enables leaders to understand people and the work environment better. However, most importantly, the study of leadership is a personal journey. Helping a person to develop their leadership potentials, which enables one to develop their leadership potentials. Therefore, understanding leadership is really learning about understanding yourself. When I decided to take this leadership class. My expectations were to learn more about myself, how to effectively communicate with difficult people, and become a better leader. My expectations were met. Howe ver, I have also learned that I need to develop my interpersonal skills to bring people together. As I reflect over the leadership course, my weaknesses are a need to develop my interpersonal skills, and having an introvert personality. Interpersonal skills are life skills that I use every day to communicate and interact with other people, both individually, and in groups. Steps that I will take to improve my interpersonal skills are expressing more appreciation for team members and support staff, actively listen, slow toShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : Leadership Journey1962 Words   |  8 PagesLeadership Journey Where do I come from? I come from a middle-class family and I grew up with my mom most of the time. My parents split when I was about three and I mostly lived my mom while I was growing up. We lived in Eden Prairie, Minnesota which is a suburb about 20 minutes outside of the Twin Cities. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on A Great Man - 703 Words

A Great Man My Grandpa By Mark DeVries For English 101 Teacher Pat Moran C. T. U. My Grandpas name was Frank Marion DeVries Jr... He was born and raised in the small town of Pueblo, Colorado. He worked at Colorado Fuel and Iron, the section where he worked in was called the open hearth. It was a hard job of shoveling coal into a furnace, and it made my Grandpa a very strong man. I never could figure out why he had a red tinge to his skin. I think it was due to the heat from the furnace, kind of like a sunburn, but permanent. Grandpa married a wonderful lady named Lucille Werner. Together they raised three boys, Frank, Ted, and David. Each had traits of their own, but my Dad Frank, was the most like my Grandpa. He too shared†¦show more content†¦This was an endeavor; he got a wild hair one day, and wanted a double shower built. Of course he wanted it in the farthest corner away from the nearest drain to be found. A few months and a lot of sludge hammering got my grandpa his dream shower. He paid us to do the work that he wanted done, and now I realize he was also teaching us how to earn our pay too. Troubled teenager times caused me to live with Grandpa for a short while. Of course, I did not live there for free; I had to earn my keep. He never really paid me when I lived there, but when I moved out he gave me my first car. From then on I was on my own, never really knowing that I was always being carefully watched over by him. I still spent most of my free time over at his house, either just visiting or helping him work on his home. I can remember walking into his house and there he would be, sitting in his chair, smiling from ear to ear, clutching a pony beer with his Boston bulldog on his lap. Grandpa was always there for me throughout my life, forever teaching and always lending a helping hand. He did not always say the kindest words but what he said, usually helped out in the long run. I lost my Grandpa in 1989, to this day I still feel and hear him in ways that are hard to explain. Certain places like going over La Vita pass or up to O’Haver Lake, even the Continental Divide where we often had lunch always reminds me of the man that made me who I amShow MoreRelatedThe Great Man Is A Great Woman977 Words   |  4 PagesThere is a saying that goes â€Å"Behind a great man is a great women†. Maybe there was a great woman behind Abraham Lincoln who told him what decisions to take. Someone who was there to support his actions and give him feedback. Mary Todd Lincoln wasn’t always a Lincoln, her maiden name was Mary Ann Todd otherwise known as â€Å"Molly†. She was born in Lexington, Kentucky in the date of December 13, 1818. Mary’s hometown: Lexington was surprisingly founded by her family. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Monster that Society Created Essay Example For Students

Monster that Society Created Essay Most Americans have some idea of who Frankenstein is, as a result of many Frankenstein movies and popularity of monster. However, most peoples ideas are incorrect about Mary Shelleys novel, Frankenstein is the name of the scientist, not monster, and the monster himself is not the inarticulate, rage-driven criminal that Robert de niro shows in the 1994 film version of the novel. Shelleys original Frankenstein was misrepresented by this Kenneth branagh film, most likely to send a different message to the movie audience than Shelleys novel shows to its readers. The conflicting messages of technologies deserve being dependent on its creator address by Shelley and poetic justice, or triumph over evil showed by the movie is best represented by the scene immediately preceding Frankensteins monsters death. In Shelleys novel, the final picture of Frankensteins monster reveals important qualities of his inner nature; he is shown in the last moments of his life to be felling, fully conscious of his guilt, and firm in his decision to end his life. This is the conclusion of a long series of events providing insight into how the monster changed as a result of his creators actions and the actions of the people with whom he came in contact. Up until this final point, he has changed from being good and hopeful to being caught up in the desire for a companion, to being evil and only focused on revenge. All these changes are recounted by the monster himself in this scene. Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine He was at one point motivated by many good things like as virtue and honor, so much so that he wanted a companion to share in his happy life. When I first sought it , it was the love of virtue, the feelings of happiness and affection with which my whole being overflowed, that I wished to be participated. . . . Once my fancy was soothed with dreams of virtue, of fame, and of enjoyment. . . . I was nourished with high thoughts of honor and devotion. 154 He did not start out as an evil being, but rather was good by nature and exposed early in his life to good things. Allen, g. s Frankensteins and societys rejection of the monster, however, drove him to an uneven passionate pursuit for a companion. He forced Frankenstein to create a female monster, and he provided motivation by killing Frankensteins loved ones and threatening to kill more of them. The monster recalls in this final scene of Shelleys novel how his desire drove him to evil. . . . do you think that I was then dead to agony and remorse? He . . . suffered not more in the consummation of the deed;oh! Not the ten-thousandth portion of the anguish that was mine during the lingering detail of its execution. A frightful selfishness hurried me on. . . At that point in the novel, the monster has changed from good in nature to evil in nature. His own desires are more important to him than the well-being of others and he is willing to commit murder in order ensure the fulfillment of his desire. The second change the monster makes is becoming totally motivated by revenge. He becomes completely evil, not looking for a companion but only the unhappiness and suffering of Frankenstein, his creator. I was the slave, not the master of an impulse, which I detested, yet could not disobey. .. The contemplation of my demoniacal design became an insatiable passion. 153-4 although the monster may have wanted to behave in an honorable way, he give up to his anger and decided to live for the purpose of ruining the life of Frankenstein. All of these changes, though, after Frankenstein die. Upon seeing Frankensteins corpse, the monster is overcome by sorrow and remorse. He exclaims, Oh, Frankenstein! Generous and self-devoted being! What does it avail that I now ask thee to pardon me? .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 , .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 .postImageUrl , .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 , .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3:hover , .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3:visited , .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3:active { border:0!important; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3:active , .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3 .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u250690d31b8427f569fb8350842666d3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Catcher In The Rye Essay VoiceAt this point, Shelleys message about technology is most clear: Technologys benefits and dangers dependent on its makers. Throughout the book, various passages have hinted about this idea: The early philosophers work is disapproved because of the ideas that the scientists believed in, such as the philosophers stone. Though their technology laid some foundations for other scientists, their work was considered trash because of the creators themselves. The monsters changes and his ultimate fate mainly dependence on Frankensteins actions. Vlasopolos As we have seen, when Frankenstein rejects his monster, the monster seeks companionship of another form as a result of Frankensteins actions. When Frankenstein destroys the second monster he was working on, the monster changes his entire reason for living. This also is purely because of the creators actions. On a more appreciate level; the monsters predisposition for evil most likely was the result of the inventors state while he was working on his invention. Frankenstein was strike by an intense frenzy while he was working on his monster; as a result, he created an ugly creature that ultimately would be rejected by society and turn evil. The emotional state of the creator affected the technology he was responsible for. Shelleys message is a powerful one; however, it is messed up by the Kenneth branagh film version of her novel. In this version, the monster does not seem to undergo any changes at all, besides becoming angrier and seek for revenge. There is no clearer lesson to be learned about technology; in fact, one of the only messages showed by the movie is that of poetic justice, the bad guy getting what he deserves. The message about technology is ambiguous, but most likely has something to do with the mix-up of brain. Aldiss, brain w By the end of the movie, the monster has become bad evil, as he became in the book. The reason for this is unclearperhaps he has become more evil because he was scared by the people who had just chased him to the end of the world, or perhaps this is just the natural result of his criminal brain influencing his behavior. The message is that evil creates evil, which doesnt provide any new insights about technology; it can be applied to nearly any situation, especially one with a monster involved. The monster is not used as a demonstration of how the creator affects his technology. Instead he is used to scare the movie audience and portray a horrific evil resulting not from the creators actions, but various mistakes and torturing. Robert de niro portrayal of Frankensteins monster has created a false myth of an evil, unintelligent monster that is not at all similar to the one Shelley displays in her novel. Not only does the movie spread a false interpretation of Shelleys work, it provides the public with no lasting message about technology or about the effects of misplaced human love. Shall we then seek revenge? Shall we destroy that what is evil? Of course notShelley gave us all to learn a lesson of tolerance and of correcting our mistakes. Perhaps if a more accurate film version of Frankenstein were available to the public, more people would be motivated to read the book and learn Shelleys powerful message.